In front of the ‘Mountain sand’ at a depth of 23 meters on sandy ground are various structures placed all over which are now homes to aquatic life. Counting four different models of the artificial reefs or biotopes which offer great ground to go and discover. This creation of the artificial reef has been a project in 1991 monitored by the government of Gran Canaria for the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
With those masses of marine life it’s not easy to withhold the temptation to swim right into a thick curtain of fish and have a play around. Out front in the big sandy area it’s a spectacular to watch the Garden eels doing their thing and if we move slowly we might even spot Angel sharks, Rays or even electric Rays.
You can’t leave without having had a good look around each one of the obstacles where Moray eels, all sort of little fish or Octopus are hiding. At the end of the dive it’s a pleasure ascending face to face with the Barracudas.